Bodies In Urban Spaces final 5 Images edited

The models have been put in a dull environment so that the colour of there clothes stand out more and they are seen as the much bolder subjects. It's bright urban clothes on a dull urban location but it works. There's some quite nice leading lines going oposite which I like and the colours work well. If I were to edit this image further, I would make the background (location) a bit duller and slightly blur the background too. Over all, I am very happy with this final image.

This image is my favourite, I love how the models have been positioned on the podiums and all put in the same position (planking). The way the green stands out on the podiums and the leading lines, I think is quite brilliant and well thought out. It's a really urban location here, with the browns, I think the green goes nicely with the brown of the wall and the colour of the models jumpers separate them nicely. I cannot fault or improve this image, It's great.

I planned to do an image like this a while ago, I'm glad I did it. It's a well thought out image and well positioned. I love the browny-orange natural border and the thick white inner border too. The colour of the models clothes stand out well in the image, mainly because they are in a white border. Definitely a nice urban location here and the green circle surrounding them at the bottom is good. It would have been nice to have at least one more person within the doorway and for the to be all in the exact same position or close to.

This image is fantastic and funny, it's also greatly thought of and clever. This is in the window of New Look and the models are replicating the manikins. In a way, the real models stand out but the blend in a the same time. When you look at the image for the first time, you may think that they're all manikins and then you look closer and see that most of them are real people, I think that's great. The colours work very well together and they stand out more because of the natural white border around the models. Over all, I like this image and wouldn't change anything about it. 

The way that the model on top of the pyramid contrasts with the colour of the sky is lovely. I like how models are positioned, I think it is perfectly laid out. It's a lovely urban environment with a lot of bright colours. I like how the camera is positioned so that you can see a work man on the side of the building in the background and it looks the this is a pyramid being built. All in all, I am very happy with this image but to improve it, I would have edited the bush and the sky so they  stand out more.

Over all, I am very pleased with the final images that I have edited because they are bright and bold and show off what this whole task was about; Knowing where to place people with colour and putting colours together to match the location used and also making and creating shapes out of them.

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